How Attorneys Can Build a Personal Brand
A 2020 study by Ohio State professor Deborah Jones Merritt has uncovered an uncomfortable truth: Law schools fail to prepare new lawyers to work with clients. According to the report, lawyers struggle with gaining clients' trust, communicating with clients, managing expectations and dealing with demanding clients. No wonder so many [...]
Lead Generation for Lawyers
In this article we will start with the basics: the definition of a lead and why lead generation for lawyers is imperative, and then move on to explore actionable strategies that your firm can execute. What is a lead? First things first. Let's walk through exactly what a lead is [...]
What Are Super Lawyers? An In-Depth Guide
If you have ever searched for a lawyer, you've probably seen the Super Lawyer award on many law firms websites. But what does the term "Super Attorney" mean? What are Super Lawyers? Read on to learn what Super Lawyers are and why they can benefit you. What are Super Lawyers? [...]
Avvo Rating: The Definitive Guide
This guide contains step-by-step instructions for increasing your Avvo rating and details the items have an impact on your Avvo rating. At the end of the guide, we address a few of the most common questions we receive relating to Avvo attorney ratings. You can use the hoplinks below to [...]
How to Use TikTok for Lawyers
Unless you've been living under a rock these last two years, you've likely witnessed the social media platform TikTok catapult itself from obscurity into mainstream usage. With over 1 billion users, it has quickly surpassed popular platforms such as Twitter and Reddit, and now sits second place behind social media [...]
About Brian Hansen

My name is Brian Hansen and I’m the founder of Rocket Pilots I have a background in entrepreneurship and I started my first company when I was 25. I also worked for a large agency for a number of years and the trainings and the experience were invaluable. I learned quickly the challenges of growing a business through sales, digital marketing and carefully constructed marketing funnels.
Since selling my first business I have focused on developing expertise in digital marketing and helping as many businesses as possible. I believe if you want to have a successful business you must have products and services that materially help others solve important challenges. My sole focus is the success of Rocket Pilots. I am a voracious reader and consumer of any digital marketing related content. I read, I study, I blog and I author white papers and guides to help businesses and marketing departments.
I certainly hope you enjoy my blog content. And if you need help with your marketing, please don’t hesitate to call me!